About Miriam

Miriam is an Australian performer, writer and ceremony-maker. In her practice she explores regenerative mythology as sources of stories, laws and patterns which contribute to individual and societal health. She is motivated to foster connections between nature and human nature across cultures and countries. Miriam focuses on creating immersive and participatory mythic story events and has been producing, writing and performing original work in Canberra, Melbourne, Alice Springs, overseas and online.

Intergenerational partnership is central to Miriam’s creative practice, collaborating with leaders in cultural mythology and young adults to bring new life to ancient stories of death, renewal and transformation. Miriam continues a long-term creative exploration with foundational regenerative myths including; Persephone (Mediterranean), Isis (Egyptian) and Inanna (Mesopotamian) and their associated variations.

Miriam graduated Charles Sturt University in 2005 with a BA in Theatre/Media and received a scholarship to complete theatre training with Master Clown teacher Philippe Gaulier in France. Miriam began her European mythic-studies training in 2014 through creative partnership and collaboration with leading cultural mythologists from the Jungian discipline who are also artists and storytellers in theatre and music; Dr Craig San Roque, Dr Glenda Cloughley and Jules Cashford. Miriam recently completed a certificate in Applied Mythology with Pacifica Institute in the USA, a world leader in Depth psychology, Jungian archetype and Mythology.

Her arts practice is woven into and informed by a 10 year inter-cultural collaboration and facilitation with the Warlpiri-Aboriginal Women’s Dance camp project in central desert Australia from 2010-2020. Through this project Miriam gained a deep respect for the healing power of story, dance and song and witnessed the necessity of intergenerational relationships for cultural health and wellbeing.

In 2015 Miriam become a part-time Drama and Media teacher to year 11 and 12 students. Her arts practice and unique expertise in applied mythology and intercultural domains are highly relevant in an educational setting. Storytelling is an essential part to effective teaching and learning. Miriam is committed to engaging young people in meaningful, collaborative and creative processes where they can develop communication skills and self-knowledge to more confidently manage and contribute to positive social change.

Influencers & Teachers

  • Dr Glenda Cloughley

    As a Jungian analyst, cultural psychologist and singer-composer, Glenda has brought a unique creative and prophetic spirit to the peace, justice and environmental movements in Canberra and beyond. Her passing leaves a deep sense of loss. 

  • Dr Craig San Roque

    Dr Craig San Roque is a Jungian Cultural Psychologist, writer and theatre-maker. Craig’s writings are an interweave of Jungian practice, anthropology, social ecology, cultural psychology and community performance.

“An artist worth her salt knows she is woven within a web of discipline and influence - drawn upon, internalised, revealed - with gratitude. Every influence has lines of a history. Miriam chose lines with long histories. Images flickering from the beginning of civilisations. Such grounding stabilises her works with balance and flair – with darkness and light touch.”

Craig San Roque